Energy Cloud Platforms Comparison

January 25, 2022

Energy Cloud Platforms Comparison

Energy Cloud Platforms are one of the most critical components of the smart grid infrastructure. They allow utilities to manage distributed renewable energy resources, grid assets, and customer data in a centralized cloud platform. Moreover, Energy Cloud Platforms help utilities reduce operational costs and increase efficiency while meeting regulatory requirements.

However, with so many options available in the market, choosing the right Energy Cloud Platform can be a daunting task. In this article, we compare the three most popular Energy Cloud Platforms based on their capabilities, features, and pricing.

1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT Greengrass

AWS IoT Greengrass is a hybrid cloud platform that extends AWS services to edge devices such as gateways and IoT devices. It allows utilities to run local compute, messaging, and data caching on devices, thereby reducing latency and ensuring reliability.

AWS IoT Greengrass supports a wide range of hardware and software platforms, has native integration with AWS services such as Amazon S3, DynamoDB, and Lambda, and provides powerful edge machine learning capabilities.

Pricing for AWS IoT Greengrass starts at $0.16 per GB of data processed by the Greengrass core per month. The exact pricing depends on the features, amount of data, and number of devices used.

2. Microsoft Azure IoT Edge

Microsoft Azure IoT Edge is a fully-managed cloud platform that runs on edge devices such as gateways, on-premises servers, and IoT devices. It offers native integration with Azure services such as Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Functions, and Azure Machine Learning, and allows utilities to build and deploy custom containerized workloads to edge devices.

Microsoft Azure IoT Edge also provides robust security features such as device authentication, end-to-end encryption, and automatic security updates.

Pricing for Microsoft Azure IoT Edge depends on the number of devices and the amount of data processed. The first eight devices are free, and after that, utilities pay $0.008 per hour per device.

3. Google Cloud IoT Core

Google Cloud IoT Core is a cloud-based platform that enables utilities to securely connect and manage IoT devices at scale. It provides end-to-end encryption, device authentication, and access control, and allows utilities to analyze and visualize data using Google Cloud's Big Data and Machine Learning services.

Google Cloud IoT Core also provides a device management solution to monitor and update IoT device firmware and software remotely.

Pricing for Google Cloud IoT Core is based on the number of devices and the amount of data processed. The first 250 MB per month is free, and after that, utilities pay $0.0045 per MB.


Each of the three Energy Cloud Platforms has its strengths and weaknesses, and the right choice depends on the needs and goals of the utility. AWS IoT Greengrass is the best choice for utilities with existing investments in AWS services, while Microsoft Azure IoT Edge is ideal for those with a Microsoft-centric environment. Google Cloud IoT Core is the most cost-effective platform for utilities with a limited budget.

We hope that this comparison helps you make an informed decision about which Energy Cloud Platform is right for you.


  1. AWS IoT Greengrass Pricing
  2. Microsoft Azure IoT Pricing
  3. Google Cloud IoT Core Pricing

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